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Journey Through Manual for Teachers

Words play no part at all in healing for they are symbols of symbols twice removed from reality. God’s teachers speak as others do only with a different purpose. Words can be used to symbolize our oneness of purpose (to awaken from the dream of separation) that represents the reality of Gods oneness also known as shared interests. As the ego mind uses words that represent the reality of separation, differences, and duality of the human world. The teacher of God learns how to let the Holy Spirit speak through them, healing is never of the body but in the minds decision to be separate from the love of God.

A Mind that believes its merely a body is a very ill Mind indeed...

Date: Wednesday evening June 14, 2017

Time: 7:00 pm

Location: On Common Ground at Agape Spiritual Center

610 St. Francis Street Rapid City, SD 57701

ACIM Theme: {Manual for Teachers} 21 What Is The Role Of Words In Healing?

For more information contact:

Facilitator Duke Brunmeier

Cell: 605-877-5460


Facilitator Rev. Jackie Matthews

Cell: 605-381-0608


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