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True Perception - Knowledge

ACIM Rapid City Study Group Will meet Wednesday 7:00 PM September 7, 2016 at On Common Ground Agape Spiritual Center 610 Saint Francis St. Rapid City, SD 57701

Clarification of Terms Theme: 2 The Ego - The Miracle The ego seeks to divide and separate. Spirit seeks to unify and heal...

Clarification of Terms Theme: 3 Forgiveness – The Face of Christ It is sure that holding grievances’ you will forget who you are, as it certain that through forgiveness you will remember who you are… Stand in this and be recognized!

Clarification of Terms Theme 9/7/2016: 4 True Perception - Knowledge Knowledge is only knowledge... It is the implementing of that which is true perception to see beyond what you think you see.

Thank you Sincerely, Rev. Jackie Matthews

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